We scratch the past to dredge up the best!

Anyone would agree that art deserves to be preserved! But the truth is troubling--over the last fifty years, more radio, television, and Internet content has been produced than anyone can reasonably track, let alone remember from ages past! And that's before one considers the thousands of new albums, games, and books that also appear every year. Media, essentially, has become disposable!

Lost Nostalgia Productions, in its small way, aims to savor these fading fixtures, reviewing and celebrating some of history's beloved oddities and obscure ventures long submerged by our gobbling past! So please, click...read...listen, and enjoy a taste of history's curiosities and faded greats!

Oh yeah, Lost Nostalgia is always considering commissions! Podcasts, written reviews, digital artwork, critical reporting, and snappy ghostwriting--LN is happy to straddle both sides of the retro/contemporary divide, providing incisive analysis about anything timely, weird, and obscure. Hire us if you need another (often contrarian) voice!

And lastly, LN itself needs help! If you are a savvy writer with an interest in the niche, please feel free to send your screeds and retrospectives our way. It's strictly voluntary, unfortunately; there's no reimbursement possible just yet. But if you uncover a work or production that desperately needs to be seen, Lost Nostalgia will be happy to host your gracious words. Thanks again!

Alternate media: For those seeking thoughtful jumps into philosophy, spirituality, and the Fate of Man, LN has a sister arm in Pop Thought Pubs. This publication centers on subjects that stray beyond mere nostalgia.

Pondering the Nonsense: Quiet Insights in an Outrageous AgePondering the Nonsense: Quiet Insights in an Outrageous Age

The author of our first book, Pondering the Nonsense, can be reached at:
