Maze Game Faves

More than just Pac-Man, this page is packed with the genre's best and weirdest. Here's to a time when video games were exactly that--games to play in-between swigs of soda and greasy pizza.

The Trogs' Clayfully Laid Plans--Dino Meat Just Within ReachThe Trogs' Clayfully Laid Plans--Dino Meat Just Within Reach

Trog...more than cycloptic cavemen and rainbow dinos and mazes of wiggling eggs, Trog is a game about clay in all its fantastic, elastic potential. Expressive squishiness converted to phosphor and pixel--it was the first of its kind, a successful marriage rarely seen again. Games are about hand-drawn sprites and sculpted polygon, apparently, not the painstakingly animated, stop-motion clay models that so filled Trog's glorious CRT display back in the day. And yes, years later, this fusion of art forms still begs for a crumb of respect. Trog, in all its majesty, is a tragedy.