The Arduboy? Designed for lovers of kitsch curiosity and the homebrew enthused, this wafer-thin, pocket-sized device comes with hundreds of preloaded games. But does this emphasis on the hobbyist bring an environment of quality, or rather, just condemn the machine to a gluttony of junk?
Click one of the little boys above to see just how good (or not) this graham cracker of a gadget really is along with a selection of its very best games.
Bartop, tabletop, countertop...whichever term best denotes Blaze's miniature arcade machine, there's no denying the machine's boutique dimensions. The Evercade Alpha is indeed neat, but also very niche...begging the question whether it's serving a real purpose, or just a certain fetish.
Evercade Alpha Tabletop Arcade Machine
The Arduboy: Cute 'n Teeny Handheld Machine
Reviewed here is the Mega Man Deluxe version of the unit. Click a pic and see the glitz!